Community Guidelines

The intention of this space is to be open and inclusive in our environment, so participants always feel safe and comfortable in our spaces, both physical and otherwise.

Here are some principles that guide our commitment:

  • Hold ourselves accountable first, and enter each space with a humble heart and compassionate criticality. Center care in our interactions with others and in representing our own needs.

  • In order to grow a community that is truly intersectional and inclusive, we need to recognize that inequity is systematic. Before entering each session, take a moment to acknowledge our own differences and be honest about our own privileges and power. Make a conscious effort to resist ableism, racism, classism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia in our language, imagery, and examples. 

  • Practice mindful listening: Try to avoid planning what you’ll say as you listen to others. Be willing to be surprised, to learn something new. Listen with your whole self. When we listen, center the voices of people with disability, trans & queer, black & brown, low-income, and non-English speaking folks. Silence can be helpful especially when it means we are actively listening and processing.

  • Rather than reacting to one’s immediate need to manage disagreement or achieve perfection, give space for discomfort, mistakes, vulnerability and non-closure. It is often through mistakes and discomfort that we grow.

  • Respect each other’s privacy and personal boundaries, including confidentiality. Understand that safety, accessibility and personal boundaries mean different things for different people. The way to create a braver and more accessible space for everyone is to ask respectfully and learn from one another interpersonally. Take home learnings but don’t identify anyone other than yourself, now or later. If you want to follow up with anyone regarding something they said in this session, ask first and respect their wishes. 

  • Have fun. Take breaks. Allow space for yourself and others to enter and leave according to their needs.

We welcome any suggestions and feedback that will help us to take better care of each other intentionally and creatively throughout our programs and beyond. If you encounter any difficulties at the space, please do not hesitate to reach out to the administrators of this space by email:,


Adapted from “Guidelines for Productive Work Sessions Agreements for Multicultural Interactions” at EBMC & Common Field Convening LA 2017